Hubbard diagonalisation on the GPU (and CPU)
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SparseHamiltonian2D Class Reference

#include <hamsparse2D.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for SparseHamiltonian2D:
+ Collaboration diagram for SparseHamiltonian2D:

Public Member Functions

 SparseHamiltonian2D (int L, int D, int Nu, int Nd, double J, double U)
virtual ~SparseHamiltonian2D ()
void BuildSparseHam ()
void PrintSparse () const
void PrintRawELL () const
virtual void mvprod (double *, double *, double) const
void PrintRawCSR () const
double * Umatrix () const
void BuildFullHam ()
std::string print_bin (myint num) const
virtual void BuildBase ()
virtual void BuildHam ()
int getL () const
int getNu () const
int getNd () const
int getDim () const
double getJ () const
double getU () const
void setU (double)
myint getBaseUp (unsigned int i) const
myint getBaseDown (unsigned int i) const
virtual std::vector< double > ExactDiagonalizeFull (bool calc_eigenvectors=false)
virtual double LanczosDiagonalize (int m=0)
virtual double arpackDiagonalize ()
void Print (bool list=false) const
void PrintBase () const
void PrintGroundstateVector () const
double MemoryNeededFull () const
double MemoryNeededLanczos () const
double MemoryNeededArpack () const
virtual void SaveToFile (const std::string filename) const

Static Public Member Functions

static int CalcDim (int L, int N)
static int CountBits (myint bits)
static std::string print_bin (myint num, int bitcount)

Protected Member Functions

int hopping (myint a, myint b, int jump=0) const
void SaveToFile (const std::string filename, double *data, int dim) const
int CalcSign (int i, int j, myint a) const

Static Protected Member Functions

static void Diagonalize (int dim, double *mat, double *eigs, bool calc_eigenvectors)

Protected Attributes

double * Up_data
 The array to hold the data (ELL format) for the up hamiltonian. More...
double * Down_data
 The array to hold the data (ELL format) for the down hamiltonian. More...
unsigned int * Up_ind
 The array to hold the indices for the up hamiltonian. More...
unsigned int * Down_ind
 The array to hold the indices for the down hamiltonian. More...
int size_Up
 Maximum number of non zero elements in a row for the up hamiltonian. More...
int size_Down
 Maximum number of non zero elements in a row for the down hamiltonian. More...
std::vector< double > Up_data_CSR
 The array to hold the data (CSR format) for the up hamiltonian. More...
std::vector< double > Down_data_CSR
 The array to hold the data (CSR format) for the down hamiltonian. More...
std::vector< unsigned int > Up_col
 The array to hold the column indices for the up hamiltonian. More...
std::vector< unsigned int > Down_col
 The array to hold the column indices for the down hamiltonian. More...
std::vector< unsigned int > Up_row
 The array to hold the row indices for the up hamiltonian. More...
std::vector< unsigned int > Down_row
 The array to hold the row indices for the down hamiltonian. More...
int L
 The length of the 2D grid. More...
int D
 The depth of the 2D grid. More...
int Nu
 Number of up electrons. More...
int Nd
 Number of down electrons. More...
double J
 Hopping strength. More...
double U
 On site interaction strength. More...
double * ham
 Storage for the BareHamiltonian matrix. More...
int dim
 Dimension of the BareHamiltonian matrix. More...
myint Hb
 Hightest bit used. More...
int Hbc
 the location of the highest bit More...
std::vector< myintbaseUp
 vector to hold all bases ket's for up electrons More...
std::vector< myintbaseDown
 vector to hold all bases ket's for down electrons More...

Detailed Description

Store the 2D Hubbard Hamiltonian in the ELL format

Ward Poelmans

Definition at line 28 of file hamsparse2D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SparseHamiltonian2D::SparseHamiltonian2D ( int  L,
int  D,
int  Nu,
int  Nd,
double  J,
double  U 

Constructor of the SparseHamiltonian2D class

LThe Length of the 2D grid
DThe depth of the 2D grid
NuNumber of Up Electrons
NdNumber of Down Electrons
JThe hopping strengh
UThe onsite interaction strength

Definition at line 33 of file hamsparse2D.cpp.

SparseHamiltonian2D::~SparseHamiltonian2D ( )

Destructor of the SparseHamiltonian2D class

Definition at line 49 of file hamsparse2D.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

double BareHamiltonian::arpackDiagonalize ( )

Definition at line 436 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void BareHamiltonian::BuildBase ( )

Builds all the up and down base kets

Reimplemented in SpinHamiltonian, and MomHamiltonian.

Definition at line 146 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void HubHam2D::BuildFullHam ( )

Builds the full 2D Hubbard Hamiltonian matrix

Reimplemented from Hamiltonian.

Definition at line 123 of file ham2D.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void BareHamiltonian::BuildHam ( )

This method is always present and should build the Hamiltonian, either full or sparse

Definition at line 165 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void SparseHamiltonian2D::BuildSparseHam ( )

Builds and fills the sparse hamiltonian

Definition at line 67 of file hamsparse2D.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BareHamiltonian::CalcDim ( int  L,
int  N 

Calculates the dimension for the up or down electron space. Basically, it calculates the N-combination out of L. This algorithm is not perfect, overflow can occur but should be no problem for our small problems.

Lnumber of lattice sites
Nnumber of up or down electrons
the dimension of the up or down electron space

Definition at line 83 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BareHamiltonian::CalcSign ( int  i,
int  j,
myint  a 
) const

Calculates the sign of the hop between site i and site j on ket a. Make sure that i < j!

ithe first sp
jthe second sp
athe ket to use
the sign of the hop

Definition at line 178 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BareHamiltonian::CountBits ( myint  bits)

Counts the number of bits set. It uses the builtin gcc function __buildtin_popcount. You must compile with -march=native and it will then generate a POPCNT instruction on platforms that support it. Otherwise it will be slow. Consider using a different method here if you don't have the POPCNT instruction: there are fast SSSE3 and SSE2 ways to do this(google is your friend).

bitsthe myint of which to count the number of bits set
the number of bits set

Definition at line 106 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void BareHamiltonian::Diagonalize ( int  dim,
double *  mat,
double *  eigs,
bool  calc_eigenvectors 

Helper for exact diagonalization: diagonalize the matrix given in mat with dimension dim, stores the eigenvalues in eigs and optionally the eigenvectors in mat

dimthe dimension of the matrix
matthe actual matrix (size: dim*dim)
eigsarray of size dim to store eigenvalues
calc_eigenvectorswhether or not the calculate the eigenvectors

Definition at line 681 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::vector< double > BareHamiltonian::ExactDiagonalizeFull ( bool  calc_eigenvectors = false)

Exactly calculates the eigenvalues of the BareHamiltonian matrix. Needs lapack.

the lowest eigenvalue

Reimplemented in SpinHamiltonian, and MomHamiltonian.

Definition at line 280 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

myint BareHamiltonian::getBaseDown ( unsigned int  i) const

Getter for the i base down ket

ithe number of the base ket
the base ket

Definition at line 270 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

myint BareHamiltonian::getBaseUp ( unsigned int  i) const

Getter for the i base up ket

ithe number of the base ket
the base ket

Definition at line 260 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int BareHamiltonian::getDim ( ) const

Getter for the dimension of the BareHamiltonian matrix

dimension of the BareHamiltonian matrix

Definition at line 223 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double BareHamiltonian::getJ ( ) const

Getter for the hopping strength

the hopping strength

Definition at line 232 of file bare-ham.cpp.

int BareHamiltonian::getL ( ) const

Getter for the number of lattice sites

the number of lattice sites

Definition at line 196 of file bare-ham.cpp.

int BareHamiltonian::getNd ( ) const

Getter for the number of down electrons

the number of down electrons

Definition at line 214 of file bare-ham.cpp.

int BareHamiltonian::getNu ( ) const

Getter for the number of up electrons

the number of up electrons

Definition at line 205 of file bare-ham.cpp.

double BareHamiltonian::getU ( ) const

Getter for the onsite interaction strength

the onsite interaction strength

Definition at line 241 of file bare-ham.cpp.

int HubHam2D::hopping ( myint  a,
myint  b,
int  jump = 0 
) const

private method used to see if a hopping between state a and b is possible and with which sign: this is for 2D hubbard.

athe bra to use
bthe ket to use
jumpdoes nothing, is set by default to zero, please ignore.
matrix element of the hopping term between the ket and the bra. You still have to multiply this with the hopping strength J

Reimplemented from Hamiltonian.

Definition at line 54 of file ham2D.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double BareHamiltonian::LanczosDiagonalize ( int  m = 0)

Calculates the lowest eigenvalue of the BareHamiltonian matrix using the lanczos algorithm. Needs lapack.

man optional estimate for the lanczos space size
the lowest eigenvalue

Definition at line 313 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

double BareHamiltonian::MemoryNeededArpack ( ) const

Calculates the amount of memory needed for the calculation if we use the arpack. It doesn't include the program code and stuff.

the amount of memory needed in bytes

Definition at line 643 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

double BareHamiltonian::MemoryNeededFull ( ) const

Calculates the amount of memory needed for the calculation of all eigenvalues using the exact method. It doesn't include the program code and stuff.

the amount of memory needed in bytes

Definition at line 591 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

double BareHamiltonian::MemoryNeededLanczos ( ) const

Calculates the amount of memory needed for the calculation if we use the lanczos method. It doesn't include the program code and stuff.

the amount of memory needed in bytes

Definition at line 617 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void SparseHamiltonian2D::mvprod ( double *  x,
double *  y,
double  alpha 
) const

Matrix vector product with (sparse) hamiltonian: y = ham*x + alpha*y

xthe x vector
ythe y vector
alphathe scaling value

Reimplemented from SparseHamiltonian2D_CSR.

Definition at line 230 of file hamsparse2D.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void BareHamiltonian::Print ( bool  list = false) const

Prints the full BareHamiltonian matrix to stdout

Definition at line 410 of file bare-ham.cpp.

std::string BareHamiltonian::print_bin ( myint  num) const

Print a int in binary form to a string. Prints a much as needed to represent the current system.

numthe myint to print in binary form
a string with the binary representation of num

Definition at line 138 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string BareHamiltonian::print_bin ( myint  num,
int  bitcount 

Print a int in binary form to a string. It only prints the bitcount least significant bits

numthe myint to print in binary form
bitcountthe number of bits to print (starting from the LSB)
a string with the binary representation of num

Definition at line 118 of file bare-ham.cpp.

void BareHamiltonian::PrintBase ( ) const

Print the basis set used.

Definition at line 429 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void BareHamiltonian::PrintGroundstateVector ( ) const

Prints the groundstate in function of the basis vectors Only gives meanfull output after running BareHamiltonian::ExactDiagonalizeFull(true)

Definition at line 295 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void SparseHamiltonian2D_CSR::PrintRawCSR ( ) const

Print the raw CSR array's

Definition at line 145 of file hamsparse2D_CSR.cpp.

void SparseHamiltonian2D::PrintRawELL ( ) const

Definition at line 178 of file hamsparse2D.cpp.

void SparseHamiltonian2D::PrintSparse ( ) const

Prints the Sparse Hamiltonian

Definition at line 142 of file hamsparse2D.cpp.

void BareHamiltonian::SaveToFile ( const std::string  filename) const

Save the hamiltonian matrix to a file in the HDF5 format

filenamethe name of the file to write to

Definition at line 727 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void BareHamiltonian::SaveToFile ( const std::string  filename,
double *  data,
int  dim 
) const

Save a array to a file in the HDF5 format

filenamethe name of the file to write to
dataa pointer to the array to write to a file
dimthe size of the array

Definition at line 741 of file bare-ham.cpp.

void BareHamiltonian::setU ( double  myU)

Set the value of U

myUthe value of U

Definition at line 250 of file bare-ham.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double * SparseHamiltonian2D_CSR::Umatrix ( ) const

Builds the interaction diagonal

pointer to interaction vector. You have to free this yourself

Definition at line 218 of file hamsparse2D_CSR.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<myint> BareHamiltonian::baseDown

vector to hold all bases ket's for down electrons

Definition at line 138 of file bare-ham.h.

std::vector<myint> BareHamiltonian::baseUp

vector to hold all bases ket's for up electrons

Definition at line 136 of file bare-ham.h.

int HubHam2D::D

The depth of the 2D grid.

Definition at line 48 of file ham2D.h.

int BareHamiltonian::dim

Dimension of the BareHamiltonian matrix.

Definition at line 128 of file bare-ham.h.

std::vector<unsigned int> SparseHamiltonian2D_CSR::Down_col

The array to hold the column indices for the down hamiltonian.

Definition at line 55 of file hamsparse2D_CSR.h.

double* SparseHamiltonian2D::Down_data

The array to hold the data (ELL format) for the down hamiltonian.

Definition at line 47 of file hamsparse2D.h.

std::vector<double> SparseHamiltonian2D_CSR::Down_data_CSR

The array to hold the data (CSR format) for the down hamiltonian.

Definition at line 50 of file hamsparse2D_CSR.h.

unsigned int* SparseHamiltonian2D::Down_ind

The array to hold the indices for the down hamiltonian.

Definition at line 52 of file hamsparse2D.h.

std::vector<unsigned int> SparseHamiltonian2D_CSR::Down_row

The array to hold the row indices for the down hamiltonian.

Definition at line 60 of file hamsparse2D_CSR.h.

double* BareHamiltonian::ham

Storage for the BareHamiltonian matrix.

Definition at line 126 of file bare-ham.h.

myint BareHamiltonian::Hb

Hightest bit used.

Definition at line 131 of file bare-ham.h.

int BareHamiltonian::Hbc

the location of the highest bit

Definition at line 133 of file bare-ham.h.

double BareHamiltonian::J

Hopping strength.

Definition at line 122 of file bare-ham.h.

int HubHam2D::L

The length of the 2D grid.

Definition at line 46 of file ham2D.h.

int BareHamiltonian::Nd

Number of down electrons.

Definition at line 120 of file bare-ham.h.

int BareHamiltonian::Nu

Number of up electrons.

Definition at line 118 of file bare-ham.h.

int SparseHamiltonian2D::size_Down

Maximum number of non zero elements in a row for the down hamiltonian.

Definition at line 57 of file hamsparse2D.h.

int SparseHamiltonian2D::size_Up

Maximum number of non zero elements in a row for the up hamiltonian.

Definition at line 55 of file hamsparse2D.h.

double BareHamiltonian::U

On site interaction strength.

Definition at line 124 of file bare-ham.h.

std::vector<unsigned int> SparseHamiltonian2D_CSR::Up_col

The array to hold the column indices for the up hamiltonian.

Definition at line 53 of file hamsparse2D_CSR.h.

double* SparseHamiltonian2D::Up_data

The array to hold the data (ELL format) for the up hamiltonian.

Definition at line 45 of file hamsparse2D.h.

std::vector<double> SparseHamiltonian2D_CSR::Up_data_CSR

The array to hold the data (CSR format) for the up hamiltonian.

Definition at line 48 of file hamsparse2D_CSR.h.

unsigned int* SparseHamiltonian2D::Up_ind

The array to hold the indices for the up hamiltonian.

Definition at line 50 of file hamsparse2D.h.

std::vector<unsigned int> SparseHamiltonian2D_CSR::Up_row

The array to hold the row indices for the up hamiltonian.

Definition at line 58 of file hamsparse2D_CSR.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: